THE ENDLESS END: The 9th European Academy of Design Conference
The European Academy of Design, the University of Porto and ID+, Institute for Research in Design, Media and Culture, invite you to the 9th EAD International Design Conference: The Endless End.
The conference offers a forum for design academics, researchers, practitioners, thinkers and industry representatives to meet, exchange ideas and share new knowledge and insights across the fields of design. The conference includes keynote lectures, papers, posters and an exhibition of practice-based design research. The language of the conference is English. All documentation and related media will be in English.
There is a sense of vertigo permeating contemporary culture as a whole, and design in particular. So much so, that we often find ourselves wondering if design as we have known it still matters. Design seems to have lost its universe of focus, branching exponentially into a multitude of concerns and activities formerly situated well beyond its scope. Likewise, design seems to be the new interest of so many professionals situated outside its area of expertise; not long ago it seemed like design was being courted, and maybe even actively cultivating, a territorial ambiguity that has kept its professionals worried, to say the least. Design now speaks of street culture and cutting-edge technology, museums and iPhone apps, just as it has spoken of campaign posters, haute couture, heavy industries, exercises in kitsch and typography.
This dissipation of a discernible territory of practice could seem like a loss at first, until we gradually came to understand that Design is, after all and despite the contextual noise, a deeply human activity, and, as such, any circumscription of its potential would, in itself, be an artifice, an operational and transitory device; and that, rather than being devalued by this apparent dilution of its area of expert operation, Design suddenly has the opportunity to expand and mature as far as its context, content and purpose are concerned.
1 – locality: the role of design in specific social and cultural environments (case studies), localisation of design and production
2 – liquidity: design´s redefined and expanding territories
3 – nomadism: design actively searching for new areas and tools of expertise
4 – involvement: design as a catalyst for change and progress
5 – vertigo: envisioning what´s ahead, calibrating past inheritances
6 – education: how can design be taught in an era of multiplicity, prosumers and open creativity?
EAD2011 Local Organizing Committee
Heitor Alvelos
Susana Barreto
Local Scientific Committee
João Mota
Miguel Carvalhais
Susana Barreto
Daniel Brandão
Nuno Martins
Cátia Vidinhas
Cláudio Rodrigues
Isabel Arouca
Hugo Ribeiro
Communication and Coordination
Vasco Branco
Sónia Pinto/Mind the Moment
Ana Filomena Curralo
António Costa Valente
Helena Barbosa
Joana Cunha
Joana Quental
EAD09 Scientific Committee
Anna Calvera, University of Barcelona
António Costa Valente, University of Aveiro
Artemis Yagou, AKTO Art & Design College
Birgit Helene Jevnaker, Norwegian School of Management
Brigitte Borja de Mozota, Parsons Paris School of Art and Design
Carlos Teixeira, Parsons School of Design
Caroline L. Davey, University of Salford
Christopher Wilson, Izmir University of Economics
Deana McDonagh, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Dijon de Moraes, Minas Gerais State University
Eduardo Corte-Real, IADE Lisbon
Emma Murphy, Graven Images
Fernando Moreira da Silva, Technical University of Lisbon, School of Architecture
Flaviano Celaschi, Politecnico di Milano
Francesca Rizzo, Politecnico di Milano
Francesco Zurlo, Politecnico di Milano
Hans Kaspar Hugentobler, Lucerne University of Applied Arts
Hazel White, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design
Heitor Alvelos, University of Porto
Joana Quental, University of Aveiro
João Mota, University of Aveiro
João Paulo Martins, Technical University of Lisbon
John Wood, Goldsmiths University of London
Josiena Gotzsch, Grenoble Ecole de Management
Joyce Thomas, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana
Leon Cruickshank ImaginationLancaster at Lancaster University
Lisbeth Svengren Holm, Swedish School of Textiles, University of Borås
Louise Valentine, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design
Margarida Fragoso, Technical University of Lisbon
Miguel Carvalhais, University of Porto
Nan Goggin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Paul Atkinson, Sheffield Hallam University
Paulo Serra, University of Beira Interior
Pekka Korvenmaa, University of Art & Design Helsinki
Polly Duplock, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, University of Dundee
Rachel Cooper, Lancaster University
Raul Cunca, University of Lisboa, School of Arts
Rosa Alice Branco, University of Beira Interior
Rui Roda, University of Aveiro
Sean McCartan, University of Coventry
Silvia Pizzocaro, Politecnico di Milano
Stuart Walker, Lancaster University
Susana Barreto, University of Porto
Teresa Rodriguez Sunico, Malaga Polytechnic
Teresa Franqueira, University of Aveiro
Tevfik Balcioglu, Izmir University of Economics
Toni-Matti Karjalainen, Helsinki School of Economics
Vasco Branco, University of Aveiro
Wolfgang Jonas, University of Kassel
The European Academy of Design was formed in 1994, to improve European-wide research collaboration and dissemination and to promote the publication and dissemination of design research.
The Academy is headed by a committee of leading academics from across Europe, as well as from North America and Australia.
To date, the Academy has hosted eight international conferences. The last being hosted by The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK. The next being hosted by the University of Porto, Portugal, in association with ID+, Institute of Research in Design Media and Culture.
Since 1997, The Design Journal had been published in association with the European Academy of Design. This refereed journal, published three times each year, provides a platform for the dissemination of design thinking and research. It aims to encourage discussion across traditional boundaries between practice and theory, and between disciplines defined by working media, materials and areas of application.
The Academy also publishes the proceedings of its conferences.
Membership is open to all of those interested in design research, whether academic, student or practitioner.
The EAD Executive Committee
The Executive Committee consists of academics from mainly European countries, as well as several from outside of Europe. Their role is to steer the Academy and develop future activities. The Committee has a full meeting at each conference and a sub Committee meets quarterly to review progress and to programme conferences and other activities. Members of the committee independently collaborate on other activities such as workshops, held under the auspices of the European Academy of Design. Membership of the Committee includes representatives from:
AKTO Art & Design College, Athens, Greece
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
University of Dundee, UK
University College Falmouth, UK
Goldsmiths University of London, UK
Goteburg University, Sweden
Graven Images, Glasgow, UK
Grenoble Ecole de Management, France
University of Art & Design Helsinki, Finland
University of Illinois, USA
Izmir University of Economics, Turkey
Universitat Kassel, Germany
Lancaster University, UK
Instituto de Artes Visuais, Design e Marketing, Lisbon, Portugal
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
University of New South Wales, Australia
Norwegian School of Management BI, Oslo, Norway
University of Porto, Portugal
The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK
University of Salford, UK
Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Stockholm University School of Business, Sweden
University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
York University, Toronto, Canada
School of Art & Design Zurich, Switzerland